- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Selin Türkel , Serra Evci.
(2020) “I am no longer a passive patient”: What are the communication competence expectations from physicians?. The 2nd Communication In The Digital Age Symposium / The 2nd Communication In The Digital Age Symposium Abstract Book 74-75, ISBN: 978-605-81001-1-4
- Selin Türkel , Farzana Abasova , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2019) Revealing Shared Meaning of Istanbul: A Semantic Network Analysis. 2nd International Conference On Cultural Informatics, Communication And Media Studies
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2019) An Exploratory Study on The Pofıle of Volunteer in Non-Governmental Organisations for Refugees in Turkey. Seitar Europa Congress
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip.
(2019) How Individuals Ascribe Meaning to NPO Reputation and Trust: An Anthropomorhist Perspective. 26th International Public Relations Research Symposium
- Sema Misci Kip , Selin Türkel , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2019) Free Associations of Digital Immigrants’ Attitudes Toward Native Advertising Content, Publisher, Brand, and Columnist according to Their Nativity Levels Best Working Paper 3rd Place. CMC 2019
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2019) New Media and Intercultural Communication. 2nd International Conference On Cultural Informatics, Communication & Media Studies / Proceedings
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2019) A semantic network analysis of digital immigrants on native advertising: The Turkish context. ICORIA 2019 IMC University
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2019) A semantic network analysis of digital immigrants on native advertising: The Turkish context . ICORIA 2019
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Serra Evci.
(2019) Public Engagement Through Storytelling in Social Media: An Experimental Study Best Working Paper 2nd place. CMC 2019 / Storytelling Across Platforms: Managing Corporate And Marketing Communications From A Storytelling Perspective ISBN: 978-965-7632-25-3
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2018) Doktor Hasta İletişiminde Metaforların İkna Gücü Olarak Kullanımı Üzerine Örnek Olay Çalışması. 16th International Symposium Communication In The Millennium / Proceedings Of The 16th International Symposium Communication In The Millennium 540-541, ISBN: 978-605-83703-5-7
- Dorit Ziemand-Sheiner , Ryan Tanya , Sema Misci Kip and Tamar Lahav.
(2018) The Tendencies of Teens: A cross-cultural look at Generation Z Adolescents and Native Advertising (Sunumu yapılmış bildiri). ICA 2018
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2018) Seeking Shared Meaning of NPOs’ Reputation in the Post Period of a Social Crisis . 25 Th International Public Relations Research Symposium BledCom
- Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2018) Doğal Reklam Nasıl Algılanıyor? İzmir’de Yaşayan Tüketicilere İlişkin Bir Araştırma (Sunumu yapılmış bildiri). Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu 2018
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2017) Seeking social meaning of NPOs reputation in Turkey . Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu 2018
- Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2017) A Theoretical Reflection upon Native Advertising through Uses and Gratifications Approach. 3rd International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2017) / 3rd International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2017) Abstract Book
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2017) The Role of Short-term Study Abroad Experience on Intercultural Communication Competence. 3rd International Conference On Communication And Management, / Abstract Book Of 3rd International Conference On Communication And Management ISBN: 978-618-81861-3-2
- Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2017) Analyzing Native Ads on Turkish News Websites: Implications for Practice and Policy. ITICAM 2017 - 4th International Trends And Issues In Communication And Media Conference / International Trends And Issues In Communication And Media Conference Proceedings Book 418-418, ISBN: 2146-7358
- Nuran Erol Işık , Burcu Yaman Akyar.
(2017) Rethinking Traumatized Lives on Crime Reality Shows in Turkey. EGE UNIVERSITY 16TH INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL STUDIES SYMPOSIUM
- Sema Misci Kip , Haluk Mesci.
(2017) Actual work experience in advertising education: An improvement on student-run ad agency model. 15th Annual International Conference On Communication And Mass Media
- Selin Türkel , Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2017) Seeking Social Meaning of NPOs’ Reputation in Turkey. Annual Conference On Corporate Communication (CCI 2017)
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2017) Çerkes Hikayelerinde Diasporik Kimliğin Kurucu Unsuru Olarak Sürgün Travması. II. Uluslararası İletişim, Edebiyat, Müzik Ve Sanat Çalışmalarında Güncel Yaklaşımlar Kongresi / II. Uluslararası İletişim, Edebiyat, Müzik Ve Sanat Çalışmalarında Güncel Yaklaşımlar Kongresi Özet Metin Kitabı 148-149,
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu , Pınar Umul Ünsal and Senem Kumova Metin.
(2016) Tracking trends of digital media in IMC (Özetler kitabı içerisinde basılmış ve sunumu yapılmış özet). 14th International Symposium Communication In The Millenium 50-50,
- Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2016) Perceptions and attitudes towards native advertising in Turkey: Digital natives vs digital immigrants (Özetler kitabı içerisinde basılmış ve sunumu yapılmış özet). 2nd International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2016) / 2nd International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2016) Abstract Book 43-43,
- Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2016) Exploring digital native advertising in Turkey: Insights from digital natives and immigrants. 21st Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference 2016 244-246,
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Burcu Yaman Akyar , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2016) A Participatory Approach to City Branding in Digital Era. 21st Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference 2016
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2016) Expoloring Intercultural Communication in Expats’ Social Media Groups. International Conference On Studies In Humanities And Social Sciences / Proceedings Of International Conference On Studies In Humanities And Social Sciences 108-116, ISBN: 978-93-84468-54-5
- Sema Misci Kip , Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2015) Seeking Excellence in Social Media Advertising: Case Study of a Higher Education Institution from Turkey. 20th Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference (CMC) 2015 / 20th International Conference On Corporate And Marketing Communications Proceedings Book 197-212, ISBN: 978-975-8789-55-9
- Selin Türkel , Burcu Yaman , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2015) Communicating Corporate Social Performance: A Research on Twitter. 20th International Conference On Corporate And Marketing Communications / Proceedings Of The 20th International Conference On Corporate And Marketing Communications 275-278, ISBN: 978-975-8789-55-9
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2015) Re-visiting Two-step Flow Communication Model: Bloggers as Intermediaries. 20th Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference (CMC) 2015 301-305,
- Pınar Umul Ünsal.
(2015) Daily Life Simulations in Post-Industrial Society: An Evaluation of “The Sims FreePlay”. International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2015) / International Conference On Communication And Management (ICCM2015) Abstract Book ISBN: 978-618-81861-0-1
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2014) Dialogic communication through websites: How Turkish non-profit organizations (NPOs) use Facebook to build relationships? (Kitap içinde basılmış ve sunumu yapılmış uzun özet.). 19th Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference 74-77,
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu , Philip J. Kitchen.
(2014) Implementing Knowledge Management for Effective Communication Solutions: An Analysis of Communication Agencies in Turkey. 19th Corporate And Marketing Communications (CMC) Conference / Proceedings Of The 19th International Conference On Corporate And Marketing Communications
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu , J. Philip Kitchen.
(2014) Implementing knowledge management for effective communication solutions: An analysis of communication agencies in Turkey (Özetler kitabı içerisinde basılmış ve sunumu yapılmış uzun özet). 19th Corporate And Marketing Communications Conference 10-13,
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci Kip.
(2014) Dialogic Communication through Social Media: How Turkish Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) Use Facebook to Build Relationships?. 19th Corporate And Marketing Communications (CMC) Conference / Proceedings Of The 19th International Conference On Corporate And Marketing Communications
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2013) Communicating with publics through blogger engagement in the age of digitalization.(Sunumu yapılmış bildiri). EUPRERA Annual Congress
- Selin Türkel.
(2013) “Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluğa yönelik tüketici algısı: Market örnekleminde betimsel bir araştırma. 1. Uluslararası Medya Çalışmaları Sempozyumu 121-133,
- Burak Amirak , Pınar Umul , Serçin Sun İpekeşen.
(2013) Significance of idea in integrated communication: The case of Benetton “Unhate” campaign. Integrated Communications In PostModern Era (InComm) 2013
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci Kip , Burcu Yaman.
(2013) How Brand Messages Are Disseminated Through Blogger Endorsement: Descriptive Case Studies from Food Sector. 10th International Symposium Communication In The Millenium 272-284, ISBN: 978-975-404-927-5
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2013) Fostering interactivity through responsiveness: The case of Turkish environmental non-profit organizations' websites (Sunumu yapılmış bildiri). Integrated Communication In Post-Modern Era
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci Kip , Burcu Yaman.
(2012) How brand messages are disseminated through blogger endorsement: Descriptive case studies from food sector. (Best paper) . Communication In The Millenium 2012
- Zeynep Aksoy.
(2012) Kültürlerarası İletişim ve Yönetimde Başarının Anahtarı: Kültürel Zekâ. Manas Üniversitesi / II_ International Communication Symposium 'New Communication Technologies And Social Transformation' 1098-1111,
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2012) Building relationships through websites: A content analysis of Turkish environmental non-profit organizations' websites (Konferansta sunumu yapılmış bildiri). EUPRERA Annual Congress
- Selin Türkel , Burcu Öksüz.
(2011) The impact of corporate social responsibility communication on consumer attitudes: Is there an effective way to reach consumers?. Lisbon University Institute / Symposium On Ethics And Social Responsibility Research
- Pınar Umul.
(2010) Görsel Toplumda Ritüel Yaratımı Olarak Yarışma Programları: Var mısın Yok musun Örneği. Bilkent Üniversitesi İletişim Ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Lisansüstü Öğrenci Konferansı 2010
- Burcu Yaman.
- Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2010) Can We Accept User Generated Ads in Social Media as a Communication Tool?. International Conference On New Media And Interactivity / New Media And Interactivity 92-99, ISBN: 978-975-400-330-7
- Gonca Gunay , Oznur Yurt , Sema Misci.
(2009) Value Creation through Inventive Templates. Ankara University International Conference On Market, Marketing & Entrepreneurship AUMEC 2009 317-323, ISBN: 978-605-5782-06-1
- Burcu Öksüz , Selin Türkel.
(2009) Can social goals be the youth Ideal? A research on university students’ social entrepreneurship intentions. 6th International NGO’s Conference 537-544,
- Beril Akıncı Vural , Selin Türkel.
(2009) The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication Tools on Consumer Attitudes. Social Sciences Research Society (SoSReS) / Second International Conference On Social Sciences 171-183,
- Ferah Onat , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2009) Çalışanların Ağızdan Ağıza Pazarlamadaki Yeri. Ege Üniversitesi, İletişim Fakültesi / MARCOM 2009 Uluslararası Pazarlama İletişimi Sempozyumu 127-139, ISBN: 978-975-483-810-7
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci.
(2009) The Effects of Co-Branding on Consumer Perception. 4th International Conference On Business, Management And Economics (ICBME) 2008 25-32, ISBN: 978-975-6339-18-3
- Burak Doğu , Selin Türkel , Burcu Öksüz.
(2008) News Blogs: A Case Study of News Blogs in Turkey. Russian Communication Association / IV International Conference Of Russian Communication Association "Communication Studies Today: At Th
- Ferhat Onat , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
(2008) Kurumsal İletişimde Örgütün Dışa Açılan Penceresi Konumundaki Yönetici Asistanlarının Duygusal Zeka Gerekliliğinin Değerlendirilmesi. II. ULUSLARARASI DUYGUSAL ZEKA VE İLETİŞİM SEMPOZYUMU / MEDYAYI ANLAMAK: DUYGUSAL OKURYAZARLIKTAN MEDYA OKURYAZARLIĞINA 130-140, ISBN: 978-975-483-784-1
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci.
(2008) Value Creation through the Integration of Product Design and Branding. International Conference On Value Chain Sustainability 263-271, ISBN: 978-975-8789-25-2
- Sema Misci , Ebru Uzunoglu.
(2008) Knowledge management in the field of advertising: How advertising and media agencies manage knowledge?. 9th European Conference On Knowledge Management 515-524, ISBN: 978-1-906638-10-8
- Selin Türkel , Burcu Öksüz.
(2008) Media Relations and Corporate Web Sites: A Case Study of the Most Admired Companies of Turkey. 6th International Conference On Communication And Mass Media
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci.
(2008) The effects of co-branding on consumer perception . ICBME 2008
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Ayşen Temel Eğinli.
(2007) The Effects of Innovation on Corporate Reputation: Samples of Successful Implementations. Yaşar Üniversitesi / Perspectives On Organizational Behavior And Organizational Culture 249-272, ISBN: 978-975-6339-15-2
- Ebru Uzunoğlu , Sema Misci.
(2007) Müşteri Sadakatinde Başarının Anahtarı: Duygusal Zeka Örnek Olay İncelemesi – Garanti Bankası. Uluslararası Duygusal Zeka Sempozyumu 2007 336-347, ISBN: 978-975-483-735-3
- Sema Misci.
(2006) Yeni Medya Kullanımının Organizasyon Yapısına Etkileri . Yeni İletişim Ortamları Ve Etkileşim Uluslararası Konferansı 128-137, ISBN: 975-400-300-9
- Sema Misci.
(2006) Televizyon Programlarının ve Kanallarının Yetişkinler Üzerindeki Etkilerini Saptamaya Yönelik Bir Araştırma Önerisi. Radyo Televizyon Yayınları Kamuoyu Araştırmaları Platformu Yaklaşımlar, Eğilimler Ve Sorunlar 99-104, ISBN: 978-975-6760-33-8
- Damla Yıldırım , Selin Türkel (Metin).
(2006) Halkla İlişkiler ve Cinsiyet. Kocaeli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi / II. Ulusal Halkla İlişkiler Sempozyumu 45-50,
- Sema Misci Kip.
(2004) Medya planlama açısından reklamcılık etiği: Çocuk ürünleri (Sunumu yapılmış ve özeti yazılmış bildiri). Ethics In Communication: Culture, Community, Identity
- Sema Misci Kip , Ebru Uzunoğlu.
() Dialogic Ccommunication through Facebook: A tool of stakeholder engagement for NPO branding. ICORIA 2016